Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is to easy....

Thank God for the Gypsys....

Amanda & Kris were close, but Mel & Mike out muscled them.
Tammy and Victor would clearly have won, if it hadn't been for Air Romania....

This is getting interesting....

Rumor has it that Miro isn't to thrilled with Kristina's gambling approach.


  1. TYPICAL of a Financial Adviser....Miro is not very thrilled with the fact that I did not diversify our "portfolio"....I have been sent to my room with no dessert :(

  2. well, you had 3 desserts for breakfast....

  3. It seems we are all off to a good start!

    I foresee us all having relatively close scores near the end!

    What will the tie breaker be if two teams have the same score?


  4. I'm thinking a long lines of watching the final together and then during the final episode have several question. Usually in the final ep. they have to remember stuff from previous ep., we could do the same.

    We could also expand our weekly prediction with "mode of transportation" and "predict if the losing team is saved from elimination". Transportation could be 1 if only car, 2 if car and train, 3 if car, train and plane, 4 if none of the above.
    Predicting an non-elimination round could give additional 5 points. A wrong prediction here would give you an -3 point penalty

    WE ARE NOT GEEKS!!!! Just competitive....
